
possibly a beatnik

This was a drawing I did at Gwen's place today, in extra soft charcoal pencil. For some reason it makes me laugh, and it reminds me of Dean McCoppin in The Iron Giant (must be the goatee). Also, my right-hand bias is very obvious hahahaha.
My hair is on fire, and this automatically makes me, like, cool.

I have a thing for scarves. If it wasn't for our impossible weather, I'd totally get one.

Okay, skyetch is officially up and running (: Bear with me, I need to think up how I'm going to put up posts or organise them, esp. some older ones, and some of you may have already seen some of what I may put up in future!


Anonymous said...

OOO!! nice! i love the shading! esp the clothes. his face a bit slanted ah. and not very detailed! i like details!! but that's up to u! hehe =) its really good! post more post more! <3 fel

Chinyi said...

you're gonna be famous due to me

grace said...

Chinyi, damnit =_=

grace said...

FEL: Yes the slantedness was the bias I was talking about :D Thanks :D

spectrumdisplay said...

only got one post mehxxxxx?

grace said...

sam: it's new =_= like I said, bear with me.