
shophouses across the singapore river

Hasty sketch at best, and not very accurate at all T.T I still need lotsa practice.

But there's something about the shophouses which always gets me. I always get this idea in my head that they're living creatures huddling together for warmth, they way they're joined so seamlessly one to the other. It seemed especially true while I was observing them this cold morning, slowly waking up to the possibility of the weekend (and its nightlife).

I didn't realise that some of the buildings around and behind these shophouses have rather interesting architecture.

*ahem*Didn't bother much with the water, obviously.

P.S. It is very 'soothsing and reflreshing' to sit beside the river on a cold day and draw.


Jocelyn said...


I LOVE IT! You're really so talented. Like how can a mere sketch look so nice!!!

Your very supportive, and randomly-met-friend,
Jocelynnn (:

grace said...

merci! I am quite touched. :)

oh c'mon it's not THAT good, if it looks nice it's a side effect of the medium and the sketchiness ;D but thank you for the kind words ma belle ;D