
nocturna (2007)

I wanna watch this, but it's hard to find :/

(Colour scheme: split-complementary? -_-)



Here's a quick sketch of what remained in my memory of Shere Khan (the Jungle Book) after the slide flashed by. Well, it's supposed to be a tiger. :P It's not very accurate, my tired brain - his entire white muff is gone. That wabbit on the left is Roger Rabbit :)

These days I love my roughs better than proper renderings.


His Face All Red

This is a comic that is:

Beautifully coloured and drawn,
Masterfully told,
And hauntingly concluded.

Awesome way to commemorate Halloween.

Emily Carroll, the artist, is an animator living in Vancouver, and she's also illustrated for Brave New World!

The lift was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms, and Lenina’s entry was greeted by many friendly nods and smiles.  She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them.

Like so. (Picture from here:

I really love her art (:


basically how last week has gone

I like the rain on the outside, but when it rains inside...

(Also, the cheapo 9.90 sandals I keep wearing around slip on practically anything when it rains.)

Ah well. [: It will be a better tomorrow.


sad rhino is sad

Did this quickly last night with watercolour and ink, in a state of frustration with the gouache (it's a kind of paint) assignment. (I used those circle watercolor palettes (Jovi brand)! The ones you bought in primary school, except of a quality in between mediocre primary school fun and professional grade like in the photo below.) I really really dig the neat+cheap portable factor, and watercolours are so pretty and soft...