
digital paint

No, don't freak out yet, this is the original photo I was painting. PRETTY RIGHT. I love the colours! Pity the photographer wasn't credited as well. This was the photo I first wanted to do, but gave up in favour of a photo I thought was easier, with more demarcated forms. I ended up screwing that up despite it being easier, because I found it boring :( REDO-

I concluded I should just listen to myself in future despite what my more logical side says. Hahaha.

This is what I mistakenly submitted (it's a school assignment, we did a pencil study, a gouache painting, and a digital painting). I didn't realise the colours would become so boomz after converting to png. Or maybe it was like that all along and I was blind from lack of sleep hahaha. :( ZZZZZZZZZ oh well what's done is done. Sigh and let go. HAI

So I came home and edited colour balance and levels and removed some odd hues (don't you just love photoshop cheats)?

Painting is hard. :(

That said, this is my first semi-proper digital painting ever ever. :D *beams* Semi-proper, because I was referring to a photo, I was sampling colours for reference from the photo, because I drew over the layer of the photo for foreground reference, and other noob things noobs do :D (I wanna try out ArtRage.)

Still got a lot more improvement to make, but so far I'm excited. We're painting coloured cubes under different coloured lights next.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...