
colour theory and a half-done icky

Hello to whoever visits this place :) Christmas is nearing! :DDD Should probably make that my incentive to do some christmas themed stuff :D Anyway, school just ended. I posted the last colour theory assignment I painted in photoshop below!

This was a study of how warm and cool lights affect colours and their surroundings.
I didn't use reference (read that as 'too lazy') so kinda took a risk. The cubes deteriorate as you go down the row, hahaha. Plus I really don't understand shadow colours, even now =/ Gonna get penalised for that!

Same here!

Not exactly masterpieces + took hella long to do. It is amazing how long you can spend just painting boxes. I really need to work faster :(

This reminds me of Sem 1 when we were drawing boxes- that took really long to get all the straight lines right. Anyhow, the assignment's kinda assured me that I don't completely suck at digital painting, and that's a relief. -_-

And it's quite cool how much you can learn from just two assignments! Below is one of my characters, Icky. The before was what I half-assedly drew in class when I didn't feel like doing work or the 2 assignments (I ended up chionging the cube paintings -_- Notti Grace.). The after was done after the vigour of the assignments. Well, look at the top half anyway. I didn't finish. Heh.

Anyway, I realised the helpfulness of tutorials while doing these. I used to think tutorials wouldn't help me much 'cause I often forgot a lot of things after doing them...but one tip from my past came out of nowhere. Using Filter>Sharpen after you're done painting. Or selectively sharpen. It makes the painting more CRISP (:

Yes so it's cheating but- it's the outcome that matters, apparently, not the process...

Speaking of Icky...TAP is due in like 3 days.

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