

Portrait of a friend from school. Finally took the time to scan the A2 in pieces (: Not perfect or even excellent (my right-hand bias is STILL apparent), but I'm more or less satisfied (especially since I was expecting less)! :D

This is going in the Year 1 year-end portfolio! They're grading portfolios at school as part of the final sem assessment. I'm relieved that's at least one piece of the ten I don't need to do from scratch just for the sake of the folio.

Doing just for the sake of the portfolio isn't something I agree with actually. It turns the art into a chore, stresses you out with deadlines (I haven't yet lived to cohabit peaceably with deadlines. I'm screwed, yes.) and can befuddle your motivations...

Bo bian ah! :( I don't do enough personal work.

But personal work is so fun! What is wrong with this picture here? *grumbles at self*

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