
Some visual d!

Because I'm a bit sian and need to post up something as motivation (because it's an easy task to finish).

Here's the 3 final thingies from the several weeks of a character design/visual dev class in school. Maybe more on this later on.

There isn't really a 'style', I guess I just drew whatever I felt like :3 I like this class if I'm not tired and have to sit through 4 hours of it. (It's basically just 4 hours of drawing and ideation.)

Click to for a larger view!

I used ink and a calligraphy pen for the first time (you know, the kind you have to dip in and all) to draw these, which resulted in a not-so-happy splodge on the extreme right's coat thing. D: I quite like pen and ink though!

P.S. The long ears of the law.

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